About our Church imageAbout our Church imageAbout our Church image
Greetings to you and your family! My name is Dan Stinnett. I'm the new pastor at Philadelphia Congregational Christian Church. 

We are a small, local church. Our ministry is simple. We gather together to see God with humble hearts. We have clear, passionate, biblical preaching. We have love for one another. Most importantly, we have the glorious Good News of the forgiveness of sin and the message of eternal life. 

And, we care about YOU! We're praying for God's blessing on your life-that you and your family would be full of joy, hope, and love! We would like to invite you to gather with us on Sunday mornings, 10:30 AM, for our weekly worship service. 

Our church History:

"In about 1820 people began to settle in Perry Township and feeling the need to worship first met in the home of one Cornelious Vanarsdoll. Later about 1830 the organization met in the home of Cornelious Vanarasdoll and it was him who organized the first society and worshiped in the different homes for a few years"

"According to an old record, an article of an agreement was made entered into 1841 by the members of the Christian Congregation, Delaware County State of Indiana at what is known as the Philadelphia Church and called the organization the Philadelphia Congregational Christian Church"

"The newly organized Church, feeling the need for a place of worship built the first Church about 25 X 32 ft logs and Clapboards soon afterwards on 1/2 acre of ground deeded to the church by Charles Miller."

"The brick building 30 X 40 was built in 1876 and dedicated in the June, later that year."

More: https://dmr.bsu.edu/digital/collection/sg/id/711

Come as you are! We would love to meet you! 

Church Service: 10:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer: 11:00 AM
Ladies Aide (Every 3rd Tuesday of month at 1:30 PM at Church)

Sunday Church Service are also occasionally streamed on Facebook
  • 11301 E CR, E 500 S, Selma, IN 47383

Dan Stinnett
